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Do You Know Why Surge Protectors Are Important?

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Do You Know Why Surge Protectors Are Important?

Surge protectors are devices designed to protect electrical devices from sudden voltage spikes. Also known by others as transient voltage surge suppressor, it is installed in proper distribution panels, process control and communication systems and heavy industrial systems. Its function is to limit the voltage supplied to an electric device by blocking or by shorting out unnecessary voltage above a safe threshold. It offers protection in cases of electrical surges and spikes including those fluctuations caused by lightning.

The installation of this device is not only suited for high-end industries. Some lower models can be installed in residences to protect home equipment from hazards. If you are not well convinced of the importance of these devices, the following reasons on why you should have a surge protector installed in your home may actually make you say yes.

It protects your home from power spikes

Just like all electrical devices, your heating and air conditioning units can be damaged by power spikes. It may not be obviously damaged at once but repeated spikes and surges can surely cause your HVAC to undergo a wear and tear process. To protect it, have professionals install a surge protector in your unit.

It can be used safely for some of your computer system’s wirings


Putting up a computer system requires many wirings and one device that you need to have is a surge protector. Some models let you plug multiple components in one outlet but its main purpose is to protect your personal computer when there is an increase in voltage significantly above the designated level.

It can protect your appliances from power fluctuations

Laptop computers, televisions and other electronic gadgets should not be plugged directly to an electrical outlet. Oftentimes, some commit a mistake of doing this because everything seems fine. The idea of a power surge or spike is the last thing on their minds. Avoid the mistake of falling into this trap because a single power fluctuation may be enough to damage your precious gadget.

It protects your appliances from damage during power surges

Power surges mostly happen during storms. This is also the time for lightning to occur, which, as everyone knows, can damage electrical appliances. You would not want to rush to the main switch in your home just to turn the electricity off. You may be able to do this if you’re at home, but what if you’re out on the road? This is where the idea of having a surge protector comes in. It provides its user a safety device in the event of electrical power inconsistencies whether you’re in or outside your home.

It can also lessen energy cost

There is that particular part in surge protectors that will actually help you do that. This is called the power outlet strip. Basically, this component will give you much ease when it comes to plugging and unplugging outlets since you only have a single system that should be plugged and unplugged. This means that it can save you more time.

Going back to helping you lessen energy cost, consider the fact that power outlet strips can house several wires in one bar and when there are power surges, you do not have to worry about protecting your appliances any longer because the power strip does that. With power fluctuations, you know that your energy bills can go very high but if you have surge protectors in place, you no longer have to worry about that.

How to choose the right surge protector for your home

Enjoying your surge protectors for all of the benefits mentioned above will not be possible unless you have found a set of criteria that will help you choose the right device to serve your needs. Along this line, we encourage you to consider clamp level, surge strength and response time as factors. Each factor is explained further below.

• Clamp level. For a whole house protector, get one with a clamp level of 150 volts and for point-of-use protectors, one with 130 volts or lower is better.

• Surge strength. For a whole house, you need 150,000 amps and for point-of-use, settle for less than 100,000 amps because less power travels to specific points.

• Response time. This is the amount of time for a surge protector to be activated after a spike has been detected. Top of the line surge protectors are activated so quickly that it takes only a matter of nanoseconds for it to react.

Now that you have seen the benefits of surge protectors for your protection, you may want to hire an expert to install such devices for you. Make sure you talk to electricians in Calgary and ask them about what you will need in the process. They can help you place the right surge protector that will meet your home’s power requirements.

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